Thursday, May 28, 2009

Free Day

Don't you hate those days that have big gaps in them so you can get all those things done that you have been avoiding for weeks?
Then you get blogged down in Facebook etc and the morning seeps away like sand in an hourglass.
My son has joined a Facebook group "telling Dick Cheney to shut the hell up". There is a grassroots movement to declare a National Day of Joy that George and Dick are gone.
It is 9:38 and I am still in my pyjamas. Yesterday I got a GPS thingy (the Germans call it a Navi) which I am hoping will be useful on my bicycle.
Last night we played a Mozart Mass at the cathedral. Mozart is amazing and magical. It was a benefit concert and was (surprisingly) a packed audience.
Mozart is there to remind us that humans are not all bad.
I'd love to come hear you play sometime.

Pj's till ten is not uncommon around here...
Yes, Mozart. Thank God for this miracle. Perhaps humanity can be saved, after all.
I can't find an email address for you!! Email me if you see this before the end of Friday - my address is on my blog profile.
A GPS for your bike? Really? Do let me know if it is useful on a bike or not.
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