Monday, April 20, 2009


I love Spring! But it has come so suddenly this year that every flowering thing known to Man has decided to forcibly expend its pollen in my direction. I have Hay Fever in all orfices, cannot breathe or think.

Anyone have a solution?

Loratadine (Claritin) before bed (more histamine action in your body overnight) takes the edge off for me. It doesn't completely eliminate them, though. :/
The only thing that seems to completely knock out the allergies is Benadryl - you feel about 1 minute of allergy-free bliss before passing out for hours.
I definitely don't dry clothes outside where they'll collect pollen.
Hope they get better soon!!
Unfortunately none. My son can't even play outside because of it. After about ten minutes he starts sneezing like a fiend. Thankfully the rain Saturday allowed us a bit of outdoor time yesterday but it's back to locking him inside with the sun this week.
Uh, hello??? Fellow pharma person here... allegra, zyrtec, claritin, and then add a nasal spray. Worth it all.

Oh, and lots of red wine. That is, IF you're not allergic to it.

My body is one big allergy.
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