Saturday, December 06, 2008

An Institute I am Not expecting Great Things of

Soon-to-be-ex-President George is working hard already to protect his fragile legacy.CNN reported today:
Bush and his handlers are mapping out this phase of the president's post-White House years. Plans are well under way for a "Freedom Institute" that will aim to promote democracies abroad.

The institute, where Bush is expected to play a significant role, is expected to be unaffiliated with an academic institution. Its members are expected to be analysts whose views are in line with the neoconservative outlook that shaped the president's approach to foreign policy.

"This is going to be Bush vision." Brinkley said of the institute. "Bush has never liked the academics, and this is a nonacademic institute aimed at cutting to the core of things: only pro-democracy foot soldiers who are green-lit by George and Laura Bush are in the mix."

As someone who is not "green-lit" (whatever that may be) by these folks, I don't expect to be in the mix. But it appears he is putting together an organisation for making statements and judgements about world affairs, but is excluding anyone who has any kind of expertise.

This seems to me an exercise in idiocy.
THe attempts to rescue his legacy are so blatant, but I don't think history will fall prey to Bush propaganda.
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