Friday, September 19, 2008

Thinking about Sarah

We can all learn from Sarah P, potential Vice President. She is a quick learner and energetic. She is raising 5 kids and still has time to learn about Russia (by looking out her window) and buy cute glasses. She knows how to use the Internet (more than we can say about her running mate); she even has a striking and original email address:
Well, at least until yesterday that was her email address. It is not any more, which is sad because it is an address which is easy to memorise. It is an address which has "Hockey Mom" written all over it. The Founding Fathers would have liked it (even though they might have been woefully ignorant of either hockey or the Internet). I am sure the first GW would have gone for the address: Pres.George@Yippee.Com.
Not bad for a gal who knows so much about foreign thingys, despite the fact that she didn't bother to apply for her very first passport until last year.
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