Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lionel, searching for love

He came home the other night, said, "I met a girl last night with the most beautiful face... I really liked her and I could tell she liked me... but I know her boyfriend and he is a cool guy. So I said, 'I gotta go' and she said, 'Oh no, don't go!' but I did. I deprived that poor girl of sex."

Yesterday he had a second date with another girl, made her noodles and banana cake (this is a very unusual occurance, that he cooks for someone). Interesting and cute girl, her father owns a cement factory and her mother drives ICE trains. He reported that she said, "You will fall in love with me and I will break your heart." He said, "We will see who breaks first!".

Stay tuned to this space.
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