Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dutch Treat

It is considered a traitorous act to leave this town on Carneval Monday (the picture shows people on their way from my street to the parade). Cologne has a population of about 1 million, and the papers reported today that the number of people watching the parade was 1 million. Go figure!
But I did, rather me and my orchestra, to do a performance of Salome in the wonderfully acousticked Concertgebouw concert hall in Amsterdam.
I love the city for its bike friendliness and tolerance. I am a pretty avid biker myself, haven't owned a car for over 7 years, but I am no match for the Dutch, who go everywhere by bike, regardless of social standing. They transport anything on those 2-wheelers... I saw a woman steaming down the street at an enviable clip, transporting 2 small urchins and a cello. Wish I had had my camera out in time to catch it.
Here we are, rehearsing before the show last night. It was a big success, and we got a very long standing ovation.
What a beautiful concert hall! Wish I could have heard you -- and ovated! :-)

I can't imagine transporting two urchins and a cello by bike. You gotta respect the Dutch!
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